
In total

Charts by Subontology


Number of classes per type over all the subontologies. Hover over slices to see their absolute number.

Label Languages

Number of classes that have labels in German, English, both or none of them.

Ontology Size (Classes)

Number of classes per subontologies. Hover over slices to see their absolute number.

Ontology Size (Properties)

Number of classes per subontologies. Hover over slices to see their absolute number.

Ontology Size (Triples)

Number of triples per subontologies. Hover over slices to see their absolute number.

Number of interlinks per link type. Hover over slices to see their absolute number.

Class Hierarchy

TreeMap of the class hierarchy. Larger rectangles have more subclasses. Click on a class to see it’s subclasses .

Label Length

Number of labels of a certain length. Most common length is around 15 characters. Labels should normally be shorter than 25 characters to avoid overcrowding the visualization.