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Höffner K, Pause T, Jahn F, Brunsch HR, Brakemeier A, Winter A SNIK Graph—Visualizing Knowledge about Management of Hospital Information Systems Journal of Open Source Education, 7(77), 180,


Höffner K, Roszeitis A, Wächtler MW, Jahn F, Winter A SNIK Quiz: A Multiple Choice Game about Information Management in Hospitals Studies in health technology and informatics. 294:790-795; 2022.


Jahn F, Kücherer C, Liebe J-D, Paech B, Winter A Charakteristika von IT-Abteilungen in Krankenhäusern in Deutschland. Report zur Umfrage unter IT-Leitern in Krankenhäusern (Februar-April 2016).

Jahn F, Höffner K, Schneider B, Lörke A, Pause T, Ammenwerth E, Winter A The SNIK Graph: Visualization of a Medical Informatics Ontology. MedInfo 2019, The 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics, Lyon, 2019. Best poster award.

Höffner K, Jahn F, Lörke A, Pause T, Schneider B, Ammenwerth E, Winter A Open and Linkable Knowledge about Management of Health Information Systems. MedInfo 2019, The 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics, Lyon, 2019, Poster.


Höffner K, Jahn F, Kücherer C, Paech B, Schneider B, Schöbel M, Stäubert S, Winter A Technical Environment for Developing the SNIK Ontology of Information Management in Hospitals. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;243:122-126.

Kücherer, C Use of Domain Ontologies to Improve Requirements Quality. 23nd International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’17), Doctoral Symposium, Essen (Germany), February 27 - March 2, 2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1796, 2017

Kücherer, C, Paech, B A Task-oriented Requirements Engineering Method for Personal Decision Support Systems – A Case Study. 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017), Porto (Portugal), April 26-29, 2017, SCITEPRESS 2017

Liebe J D, Thomas O, Jahn F, Kücherer C, Esdar M, Weiß J P, Hüsers J, Hübner U Zwischen Schattendasein, Governance und Entrepreneurship – Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme zum Professionalisierungsgrad des IT-Managements in deutschen Krankenhäusern. 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), St. Gallen (Switzerland), February 12-15, 2017, accepted to appear


Kücherer C, Liebe J D, Schaaf M, Thye J, Paech B, Winter A and Jahn F. The Status Quo of Information Management in Hospitals - Results of an Online Survey. In: H.C. Mayr, M. Pinzger (Hrsg.), INFORMATIK 2016, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2016.

Jahn F, Schaaf M, Kahmann C, Tahar K, Kücherer C, Paech B, Winter A. An ontology-based scenario for teaching the management of health information systems. HEC2016 München. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2016;228:359-63.

Tahar K, Schaaf M, Jahn F, Kücherer C, Paech B, Herre H, Winter A. An approach to support collaborative ontology construction. HEC2016 München. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2016;228:369-73.

Schaaf M, Jahn F, Tahar K, Kücherer C, Winter A, Paech B. Visualization of large ontologies from a tool point of view. HEC2016 München. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2016;228:349-53.


Kücherer C, Jung M, Jahn F, Schaaf M, Tahar K, Paech B, Winter A. System Analysis of Information Management. In D. Cunningham, P. Hofstedt, K. Meer, & I. Schmitt (Eds.), GI-Jahrestagung 2015: 783-796.

Schaaf M, Jahn F, Tahar K, Kücherer C, Winter A, Paech B. Entwicklung und Einsatz einer Domänenontologie des Informationsmanagements im Krankenhaus. In D. Cunningham, P. Hofstedt, K. Meer, & I. Schmitt (Eds.), INFORMATIK 2015. GI-Jahrestagung 2015:753-765


Jahn F, Schaaf M, Paech B, Winter A. Ein semantisches Netz des Informationsmanagements im Krankenhaus. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) – Proceedings, Volume P-232, 1491-1498.

Tahar K, Jahn F, Schaaf M, Kücherer C, Paech B, Winter A. Eine Ontologie für die Unterstützung der Lehre und des Informationsmanagements im Gesundheitswesen. Leipzig Research Festival for Life Sciences 2014, Universität Leipzig 2014, S. 45.


The SNIK Graph: Visualization of a Medical Informatics Ontology
The SNIK Graph: Visualization of a Medical Informatics Ontology.
Franziska Jahn, Konrad Höffner, Birgit Schneider, Anna Lörke, Thomas Pause, Elske Ammenwerth, Alfred Winter, Elske Ammenwerth. Medinfo 2019, Lyon.

author={Franziska Jahn and Konrad Höffner and Birgit Schneider and Anna Lörke and Thomas Pause and Elske Ammenwerth and Alfred Winter},
booktitle={MedInfo 2019, The 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics, Lyon},
title={The {SNIK} {G}raph: {V}isualization of a Medical Informatics Ontology},

Open and Linkable Knowledge about Management of Health Information Systems
Open and Linkable Knowledge about Management of Health Information Systems.
Konrad Höffner, Franziska Jahn, Anna Lörke, Thomas Pause, Birgit Schneider, Elske Ammenwerth, Alfred Winter. MedInfo 2019, Lyon.

title={Open and Linkable Knowledge About Management of Health Information Systems},
author={H{\"o}ffner, Konrad and Jahn, Franziska and L{\"o}rke, Anna and Pause, Thomas and Schneider, Birgit and Ammenwerth, Elske and Winter, Alfred},
booktitle={MedInfo 2019, The 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics, Lyon},

SNIK Graph
SNIK Graph. Konrad Höffner, 2020.