Class Graph

Cytoscape.js Graph Class with path operations and styling.


  • Creates a new cytoscape graph, assigns it to the #cy container and sets up basic event listeners.


    • container: HTMLElement

      parent element

    Returns Graph


container: HTMLElement
cy: Core
instancesLoaded: boolean = false
matchComponents: Collection[] = []
pathSource: NodeSingular = null
selectedNode: NodeSingular = null
starMode: boolean = false


  • Inverts the screen colors in the canvas for day mode. Uses an inverted node js style file to keep node colors.


    • dayScheme: boolean

      whether the canvas colors should be inverted.

    • coloredEdges: boolean

      Give every edge-type a certain color.

    • showProperty: boolean

      Show the property as edge label even on all edges, else only show edge labels on unselected edges.

    Returns void

  • Get the equivalent elements in this graph of the given elements from another graph.


    • eles: Collection

      elements from another graph

    Returns Collection

    equivalent elements that exist in this graph

  • Get the equivalent nodes in this graph of the given nodes from another graph.


    • nodes: NodeCollection

      nodes from another graph

    Returns NodeCollection

    equivalent nodes that exist in this graph

  • Sets whether close matches are grouped in compound nodes.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether to activate or deactivate combine match mode. *

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns, whether cumulative search is activated.

    Returns boolean

    whether cumulative search is activated.

  • Get a collection of nodes/edges using a list of their IDs. If not existent in this graph, then all others are scanned. If found, the node or edge is added to the current view and returned.


    • ids: Iterable<string>

      iterable of cytoscape ids

    Returns Collection

    cytoscape collection of elements with those ids

  • Get a collection of nodes/edges using a list of their IDs. Works only in this graph.


    • ids: Iterable<string>

      iterable of cytoscape ids

    Returns Collection

    cytoscape collection of elements with those ids

  • Returns the start node for all path operations

    Returns NodeSingular

    the start node for all path operations, or null if none exists.

  • Move all matching nodes together.


    • distance: number

      the distance between them

    Returns void

  • position in a circle around the first node


    • nodes: NodeCollection

      the nodes to position

    • distance: number

      the radius of the circle

    Returns void

  • Multiplex takes a function that takes exactly one parameter in the form of a a single cytoscape Node, such as a star. It returns a function that executes the given function one or more times with different input based on the following criteria: If the nodes parameter is given, then multiplex uses it as input. For example multiplexing a star on a collection of nodes will execute that star for each node in the collection. If the nodes parameter is not given, but more than one node is selected, then multiplex uses the nodes selected in this graph as input. If the direct parameter is truthy then f will be called exactly once directly passing in the input as single parameter instead of looping over it. If the nodes parameter is not given and the set of selected nodes has size 0 or 1, then the given function is executed with the original input. Whatever happens, the singular input parameter of the returned function is always included as well. TODO: This function is hard to maintain, simplify if possible.


    • f: any

      a function that accepts a single node

    • Optionalnodes: NodeCollection

      The nodes, each of which will be passed as parameter to a separate call of the given function. Can be null or undefined,

    • Optionaldirect: boolean

      whether the input is a cytoscape collection that can be passed directly into the function without looping, which can be much faster if possible.

    Returns (ele?: NodeSingular) => void

    the function described above.

  • Create and return a new graph if the option is set to create star operations in a new view.


    • alwaysNew: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<Graph>

    this iff the option to create stars in a new view is unset, a new view's graph if it is set

  • Center and highlight the given URI.


    • uri: string

      The URI of a class in the graph.

    Returns boolean

    whether presenting the URI succeeded

  • Center and highlight the given URIs.


    • uris: string[]

      the URIs to present

    • hideOthers: boolean = false

      whether to hide the other nodes

    Returns boolean

    whether presenting the URIs succeeded

  • Removes all highlighting (except selection) and shows all hidden nodes.

    Returns void

  • Set the given node as source for all path operations.


    • node: NodeSingular

      the new source

    Returns boolean

    whether node is not null

  • Show close matches of the given nodes.


    • nodes: NodeCollection

      the nodes whose close matches are shown

    Returns void

  • Highlight the given two nodes, directly connected nodes (in both directions) of both of them and a shortest path between the two. Hide all other nodes except when in star mode.


    • to: NodeSingular

      path target node

    Returns boolean

    whether a path could be found

  • Show all nodes and edges on a shortest path between "from " and "to". Hide all other nodes except when in star mode.


    • to: NodeSingular

      path target node

    • OptionalstarPath: boolean

      whether to show the star around all nodes on the path

    Returns (from: NodeSingular) => boolean

    a function that given a source node shows that path if possible and returns whether a path could be found

  • Highlight the give node and all its directly connected nodes (in both directions). Hide all other nodes except when in star mode.


    • center: NodeCollection

      node or collection of nodes. center of the star

    • changeLayout: boolean = false

      arrange the given node and it's close matches in the center and the connected nodes in a circle around them.

    • Optionaldirection: Direction

      only show edges that originate from node, not those that end in it. Optional and defaults to false.

    Returns void

  • Multiplex star operations.


    • changeLayout: boolean = false

      arrange the given node and its close matches in the center and the connected nodes in a circle around them.

    • Optionaldirection: Direction

      show edges that originate from node, not those that end in it. Optional and defaults to false.

    Returns (_nodes: NodeCollection) => void

    show star function applied to multiple nodes

  • Multiplex star operations into a new view.


    • changeLayout: boolean = false

      arrange the given node and its close matches in the center and the connected nodes in a circle around them.

    • direction: Direction = Direction.BOTH

      only show edges that originate from node, not those that end in it. Optional and defaults to false.

    • alwaysNew: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<(_node: NodeSingular) => Graph>

    show star function applied to multiple nodes

  • Show a "spider worm" between two nodes, which combines a star around "to" with a shortest path from "from" to "to". Hide all other nodes except when in star mode.


    • from: NodeSingular

      path source node

    • to: NodeSingular

      path target node, gets a "star" around it as well

    Returns boolean

    whether a path could be found

  • Show (unhide) the given elements or hide them using visibility: hidden. Do not use this for filters as they use other classes to interact properly with shown and hidden elements. Does not unhide filtered elements on its own.


    • eles: NodeSingular | NodeCollection | EdgeCollection | Collection

      the elements to hide

    • visible: boolean = true

      Whether to show or hide the nodes. Defaults to the sometimes implied value of true.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • eles: Collection

      the elements to assign the star mode css class to

    Returns void