Class Search


  • Add search functionality to the form.


    • form: HTMLFormElement

      a form with a search field named "query"

    Returns Search


resultNodes: any[] = []


  • Searches the SPARQL endpoint for classes with the given label. Case and space insensitive when not using bif:contains. Can be used by node.js.


    • userQuery: string

      the search query as given by the user

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    A promise with an array of class URIs.

    Old search without fuse index. Not used anymore.

  • Search the class labels and display the result to the user.


    • userQuery: any

      the search query as given by the user

    Returns Promise<false>

    false to prevent page reload triggered by submit.

  • Parameters

    • query: string

      The user query.

    • uris: string[]

      An array of OWL class URIs

    Returns boolean

    whether the search results are nonempty.